

Additional writing

Post-Self stories
Stories of all sorts written by members of the Post-Self community.
In-Character asks
Authors include @makyo, @hamratza, and @CERESUltra.

Questions asked of various Post-Self characters, answered by the characters themselves.

Other, sillier things

“How to Upload Your Consciousness to Physical Infrastructure Using Docker Compose”
Madison Scott-Clary

Non-canonical but heavily influenced ’tutorial’ written for April Fool’s Day 2022


The constructed language spoken by the Artemisians.
Music that inspired or was inspired by Post-Self

The Post-Anthropocene

An audio essay based on the open podcast “The Anthropocene”, an extra funded by the Mitzvot Kickstarter backers.

Coming soon!

Over the course of publication and as funded by the backers of the Mitzvot Kickstarter, much in the way of art surrounding the Post-Self universe and its character has accrued. You can see a full gallery of all illustrations here.